2020-2021 School Grades update for Kindergarten -Sixth Grade All students will be receiving progress reports (via hard copy and / or phone call home based on PowerSchool) the weeks of Oct. 19, Nov. 13th and Dec. 4th. Kindergarten -3rd grades will receive their progress reports reflecting progress on Essential Standards the week of January 5th, 2021. Grades 4-6 will receive their report card reflecting Quarter 2 the week of January 5th, 2021. This grade will reflect work towards mastery of essential standards as shown through completed work and assessments (via Hybrid Learning Mode/in class work AND/OR Remote Learning Model/Schoology work). Reminder for Remote Only: K-6 grade students need to participate in lessons to gain mastery of standards. Please make sure to complete work for PE, Music, and Art to receive credit.
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE reminder: if your student/s has not yet taken the Illuminate test (1st-6th grade), please click on the following link and have your student do the test by the end of September. If you have any questions, please contact your student's teacher. https://www.beleneagles.org/o/bcs/page/remote-learning-resources--15
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
Our very own Gil Sanchez Elementary School has received one of the most distinguished honors a school can attain. On Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 11:00 am., Gil Sanchez Elementary School was officially announced as a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School. It is amazing to see that Gil Sanchez will be nationally recognized for all their efforts and success. Congratulations to Principal Carla Martinez, staff, students, families, and all those who have contributed to the success of this school. If you would like to view announcement, you can do so from the link provided: https://youtu.be/oTdbOuSIh9o
over 3 years ago, Diane Vallejos
DCE community: just a reminder that we do have the RGEC program available Monday -Friday with both before school / after school and all day for hybrid students. Bridgette with RGEC is available with paperwork in the DCE cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE families: there will be a grab and go tomorrow, Wednesday, from 1030-1230 for lunch and breakfast. Only DCE students! Thanks :)
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE's hybrid schedule: buses arrive at 845am, parent drop off in main parking lot starting at 840am. Please stay in your vehicle and loop around to the front door. Student's temperature check will happen in the vehicle. Pickup will start at 325pm in east parking lot (off of 314). Thanks for understanding!
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE Parents and Guardians, In order to stay current with PED's and BCS's safety guidelines we are setting a deadline of Friday, September 11th to make any changes to your child's learning model (Hybrid vs. Remote). This deadline will allow us to fully comply with the guidance set forth by the state. We know it is a difficult time and the safety of our children is number one on our list of importance. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE families, just a reminder that COVID tends to spike during holidays. Please remember to wash your hands, wear masks appropriately, and limit gatherings.
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE HYBRID LEARNERS ONLY: click on this link to inform nutrition about your preferences. Thanks! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tpWbNBVyTk2gQASUxmP7NMwXIJxx5NhBjrjQMdCnYXdUMjJEUTM5QlAxRk9aQkpCWTlHVTRMRVhNQS4u
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE REMOTE LEARNERS ONLY: click on this link to inform nutrition about your preferences. Thanks! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tpWbNBVyTk2gQASUxmP7NMwXIJxx5NhBjrjQMdCnYXdUNllKMjNIMFdBVVg4NjhNQllSSVo2NjgyNS4u
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE community: go to the menu on the top of the school web page and find "Remote Learning Resources". This is your quick one-stop to find the links to important websites for you and your students. For testing (Illuminate) log-in, use the student's school ID # (ask the teacher or call the main office) and then the birth date (MMDDYY). For Schoology, first and last initial, student ID number, @ beleneagles.org Example: a student named John Smith with the student ID number 12345 would sign in as: js12345@beleneagles.org Password: Students six-digit birthday. Example: John Smith’s birthday is July 6th, 2015. The password would be070615
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
Please view the parent video that we have created for parents to help their children log in to our online learning system. https://www.loom.com/share/3873f77ae84b4cfdb907ef6802899d79
over 3 years ago, Diane Vallejos
DCE community: Reminder that there is registration today and tomorrow in the east parking lot (enter off of HWY 314 -exit on Square Deal road) from 10am until 12pm. There is yearly paperwork to complete and other stations as needed. If you have received a phone call from Mr. Simpson, there is a device for you. If not, you are on a waiting list. If you have a device and need support, we are there to help with Schoology. Call 966-1800 if you have additional questions.
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE registration: August 27-28 from 10am until noon. All families will need to fill out yearly paperwork. Special Education, SAT, Bilingual reps will be available for questions. There will also be a library book return and parking pass distribution (new procedures!). Our counselor and nurse will be available for any needed supports. See you soon!
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
DCE families : Welcome to SY 2020-2021 :) Quick reminders - teachers/staff return Aug 25. During the first week back, all teachers will contact their families and provide information and expectations for their classes (school officially starts on Aug 31).
over 3 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
Hola del Departamento de Transporte de Belen Consolidated Schools. La matrícula del autobús escolar ahora está en línea. Los registros de autobuses se publican en nuestra página web en www.beleneagles.org. Desde nuestra página de inicio, seleccione el menú y, en la lista desplegable, seleccione Información de transporte. Los pasajeros se publican en inglés y español. Descargue, complete y devuelva a busridership@beleneagles.org o envíe un fax al: 505 / 966-1185. Los estudiantes deben estar registrados antes de la recogida. ¡Gracias!
over 3 years ago, Taira Chavira
Bus Ridership
Hello from the Belen Consolidated Schools Transportation Department. School Bus Ridership registration is now online. Bus registrations are posted on our webpage at www.beleneagles.org. From our home page select menu and from the dropdown list select Transportation Information. The Ridership Forms are posted in English and Spanish. Download, complete and return to busridership@beleneagles.org or fax to: 505/966-1185. Students must be registered prior to pick up. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Taira Chavira
Bus Ridership
DCE families - in preparation for the reopening of schools, please fill out this survey to determine if you'd prefer a hybrid model (students come to school 2 days a week) or 100% online model (students remote learn at home with teacher/school/district support). Please do this by FRIDAY, July 17. THANKS! We miss you all and will do everything in our power to keep your students safe, healthy, and learning! Survey link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=tpWbNBVyTk2gQASUxmP7NBX3AxwIhkVGqUN_ZwMTcWVUNDBITzJKWk1JRVc5QkRDVDVXWDhCOUMyQS4u
almost 4 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
As we prepare for the upcoming school year there are many uncertainties. Belen Consolidated Schools is working on preparing for students to re-enter school in the fall. The Public Education Department is working with a task force to provide guidance. The link to access the 2020-2021 Student Calendar that was approved by the School Board is: https://go.aws/37m3V2p. We are anticipating that we will start school as scheduled on August 18th. We are hopeful that it will be in-person with all our students but are preparing for variations that may need to take place do to COVID-19 CDC guidelines. We recognize that students are our foundation and will make decisions that positively impact their learning and well-being.
almost 4 years ago, Diane Vallejos
DCE families: in times of uncertainty and even chaos, we will always provide a safe haven of love and support. That is our calling! We see you. We hear you.
almost 4 years ago, Alicia Blaakman-Abney
we see you